Apologies: Jalen, Michelle, Benjamin, Jacky
Attending: Steven, Edward, Christie, Emma, Ray, Bob, Nicole
Item 1: Instagram Post/Promotion of website
Christie make instagram post, Shadow Emma
Christie, Emma email
Put link on Smart under gateway links
Item 2: Pads and tampons
Other schools like RC already have
We can create own project
Start next term (voted majority)
Already in nurse office, a matter of movement
Install Dispensers?
Trial with baskets?
Emma, Nicole, Christie, Ray
Deadline in 2 weeks, 30th september
Ask other schools about costs
Engage student voice through google form
Item 3: Inter School collaboration
Inter School events
More collaboration
An alumni event to increase
Item 4: Subscriptions
Half paid by students, half by school
Yearly signups
360,000 per year for 600 people
Check how much school is willing to pay (last time 20k, not nearly enough)
Maybe only for senior school
Item 5: Elections timeline
Bob, Emma, Christie middle school workshop