Apologies: Michelle, Benjamin
Attending: Nicole, Edward, Ray, Jacky, Steven, Bob, Christie, Emma, Jalen
Item 1: Elections
Too many middle school students might decrease amount of time they get involved in
1 year vs 2 year terms (1 year terms mean y9 students won’t have to break off at y10)
1 year term, 2 roles
Explain in elections because middle school no idea what student council really is
Y10 assembly scheduled after half term
Repeat social media graphics template for physical posters
Set up a Stucon stall
Order a display stall?
First floor (floor to roof) display (2 display boards, 1 desk)
Student council (What it is)
+ timeline
+ clear roles
Slideshow on laptop with pictures
24th to 4th november
Tutor visits for Y9
Revised timeline: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JhF9yw_QhkxhvlxgU7NFqjLRRSuWELPAEk8g_KpLOKY/edit
Make a spreadsheet to mark applicants for interview
Split middle school and senior school into one day. 2 middle school, 1 senior school.
Likely to take 3 days
When are middle school and senior school elections going to happen?
Middle school listen to senior school elections
Someone send email to book elections