Apologies: Jalen, Benjamin
Attending: Nicole, Ray, Christie, Emma, Jacky, Michelle, Steven, Edward, Bob
Item 1: Keeping up with things
Gender neutral bathrooms
Research clearly
New meeting room, in the gym
Email Charlie Yeung -- Jacky, cc. Mr. BB
Item 2: Proposals about school bathrooms - Mr. BB
Tampons and pads
Gender neutral
Item 3: Website
Website from Kevin, work with Edward and Steven
Item 4: Apprentice Roles
Chair: Ray Sun
Vice-chair: Emma
Treasurer: Bob
COC: Christie
Secretary: Steven
Item 5: New council - Edward, Nicole, Emma, Christie, Ray
Middle school
MS reps?
Objective is whole school voice
Elected by their year in an assembly
Clarify the roles, what skills they possess
Pitch in the assembly
Week or two before the actual elections
Applications and interviews needed
Year 7 representative
Year 8 representative
Year 9 representative
Item 6: Subscriptions - Michelle, Jalen, Jacky, Ben, Bob, Steven
Create new form - by next week, give opinions and feedback then send out form
Think about the price logistics
Item 7: Election
Create timeline of election process - Nicole, next week
Item 8: Spirit Week
Need to decide 4 new themes - keep Festive Friday before 2-3 props